Aspartame When Pregnant

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Detailed scientific and general documentation regarding the toxicity of NutraSweet, Equal, diet coke, diet pepsi, and other aspartame containing items. Web page includes real life reports of acute and chronic toxicity due to long-term use as well as FAQs related to the methanol / formaldehyde content of aspartame.

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Learn the hidden dangers of aspartame and find out why you should avoid this toxic artificial sweetener at all cost.

Aspartame: By Far the Most Dangerous Substance Added to Most Foods Today

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Want more information about aspartame? View our most frequently asked questions on the sugar substitute.

Our Advertisers Represent Some Of The Most Unique Products & Services On Earth! IS Aspartame in All Soda? By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum 10-11-10

HISTORY OF ASPARTAME Modified and Additional Material by Arthur M. Evangelista, a former FDA Investigator Original Authors of the Two Main Components: Alex Constantine and Gregory Gordon

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Aspartame and Other Chemical Sweeteners: Dr. Hull has provided a list of alternative artificial sweeteners available on the market today!

Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, etc) is one of the most common artificial sweeteners in use today. Find out what we know about its safety here.

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Dr. Mercola educates people on the dangers, side effects, and health problems linked to Aspartame, an artificial sweetener also known as NutraSweet and Equal.

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Industry-funded research finds the same result: aspartame is safe. However, 92 percent of studies funded independently discover adverse effects.