Man Gets Penis Cut Off

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Pictured: Man whose penis was cut off ‘in revenge for sleeping with gipsy’s teenfriend’ 40-year-old found in distressed state at the side of the A66 in Middlesbrough

Yeah, I don’t even know what to say. This dude got bored and cut his balls off with some scissors, what else can I say? It speaks for itself. I don’t have a clue what possessed this idiot to do this but I am pretty sure that he regretted it in the morning.. or after the drugs he was on wore off.

As was seen with Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill, only when incensed passions cool off can we truly understand and contextualize a sex-based issue in America.It is undisputed that this wasn’t a clear cut case of some sugar-and-spice attractive woman a victim at the hands of a hateful male, but a relationship born of mutual tension, anger

A rapper affiliated with Wu-Tang Clan was rushed to the hospital early Wednesday after he cut off his penis and then jumped off a second story balcony in what police believe was a suicide attempt law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

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Man cut off wife’s breast and super-glued her vagina.

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Did gypsies cut off man’s penis in revenge for him sleeping with one of their teenfriends? Police search A-road for missing manhood after arrest of suspect, 22

Alleged Cheater Gets Penis Cut Off at Best Gore. Protecting the Public from Safe Places on the Internet Since 2008

A naked man with blood all over himself in Chicago has been filmed harassing people and charging a police officer. The man, who has been described as having cut off his penis, can be seen bleeding heavily from his crotch.

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Get this one. A homeless man known as “feijão com arroz – beans with rice” was brutally lynched and had his penis cut off in the village Vila Vargas de Teixeira Freitas in Bahia – Brazil, on the 28th of December 2013.

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